miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010


In the state highlights the contribution of the manufacturing sector in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) state, with 26%, formed mainly by the production of metal products, machinery and equipment. Followed with 20% of the formation of the state GDP, by community, social and personal. Thirdly include shops, restaurants and hotels 16.5% uptake of GDP. These tourist services attended the 2 million 380 thousand tourists visited the state in 2006.

Despite the small share of farming in the state's economy, Guanajuato field produces as much wheat, strawberries, broccoli, onions, and is the second largest tomato producer in the country.

Following the trend of the rest of the country, 96% of economic units correspond to the micro business industry. The MiPymes (small and medium enterprises) make up 50% of state GDP and 80% of employment. In total, 39% of the population is economically active Guanajuato.

Although only 47% of the economically active population receive up to two minimum wages, which is by debajod and the national average of 51%, the state of Guanajuato is placed in the category of entities with a high degree of marginalization, the which means that indicators such as literacy, housing conditions, basic services, medical services, and salary deprive most of the population of decent living conditions.

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